October 24, 2015

Perth Family Photographer | Grocery Store Fun | The secret society of Motherhood

Life is never boring around here. Usually trips to the grocery store involve lots of ” mum can I have a [chocolate coated something or other]” “mum we need, desperately need [the biggest bulk pack of toilet paper to make a toilet paper tower]” Today I rolled with it. Want to dress as queen Elsa? Fine. Pink gumboots and no socks? Fine. Playing harmonica like a crazy woman while trying to sing “Let it go” also fine. Lucky Perth is a kind of a kooky city, but our shenanigans didn’t go unnoticed.

When I was a teenager I worked in the deli section of a grocery store, I often saw children dressed like mine and thought “who hell lets their kids out of the house dressed like that?” SHAME. Now I see mothers with their super hero kids wandering the aisle, trying to wrestle kinder surprise eggs out of their hands, I give them a little nod. They always gesture back knowingly, its like our own little motherhood secret society, except there are no funny handshakes to memorise just knowing glances from across supermarket aisle and carparks.

For more market place madness check out the awesome work of Launceston Photographer – Meghann Maguire Photography. Her documentary style photography embodies the joy and chaos of taking more than one child to the store and keep following the blog circle for more awesome photography.

perth family photography girl playing harmonicagirl wearing costume dancing and playing harmonicagirl playing harmonica in front of trolleygirl playing green harmonicagirl playing harmonica in aisle of woolworths shopping centreDon’t forget to follow the next blog Launceston Photographer – Meghann Maguire



How awesome! I'm still waiting for the Superhero -phase. If it's not the Carry me!-thing, it's the I'll just lay down on the floor here and not move-phase for us now.

16:00 October 27, 2015


That's awesome! We'd love to come across a harmonica-playing Elsa in the grocery store!

03:08 October 28, 2015

Ari Dorfman

OMG these are so cute. The colors are insane. Great job!!

17:41 November 18, 2015

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